DNA Research Reduces Opioid Dependence
One in five adults in America suffers from chronic pain, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… read more >
Genome Center Targets Disease at the Genetic Level
Since the North Texas Genome Center opened in spring 2018, researchers have sequenced more than 100 DNA genomes, bringing science closer to heading off genetically related health conditions… read more >
‘A Benchmark for Cancer Survival’
For an institution to receive a Lead Academic Participating Site grant for cancer research, it has to demonstrate its ability to enroll high numbers of patients into National Clinical Trials Network trials and scientific leadership in the design and conduction of clinical trials… read more >
Bioengineers Develop Pain-Free Glucose-Level Monitoring
Diabetics must endure several daily, painful pinpricks to learn their glucose levels and monitor their blood sugar levels… read more >
DFW Higher Ed Supplies Fast-Growing Health Care Providers with Skilled Professionals
Health care is a fast-growing, significant industry in the DFW Region… read more >
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Brain
Speaking to legislators on the Texas House Committee on Public Health in 2017, Dr. Marc Diamond described the scene when he arrived at UT Southwestern… read more >
Where Science is The Thing: UT Southwestern Plants Its Flag on Disruptive Medical Research
The University of Texas Southwestern (UT Southwestern) Medical Center has become the only academic medical center in the world to serve as home to six Nobel Laureates for one reason: Science is literally woven into the institution’s DNA… read more >
This information is part of the 2020 Higher Education Review Magazine, presented by Thomson Reuters.