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DRC Equal Pay Day Resources

Equal Pay Day refers to how far into the new year women must work to be paid what men were paid the previous year. Equal Pay Day for all women should be on December 31, but it’s not. This year, Equal Pay Day is on March 24, 2021. That’s nearly three additional months of work women must do into the following year in order to earn what men earn in the previous 12 months.

Started by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996, the goal of Equal Pay Day was to raise awareness about the gender wage gap. Despite the efforts of the Equal Pay Act to eliminate pay discrimination, the wage gap remains. Currently women still earn $0.82 for every dollar that men earn. That gap increases to $0.63 for Black women and $0.55 cents for Latina women.

Unless things change more quickly, the pay gap will not close until 2106 (another 85 years). Together, we can help to achieve pay equality and gender parity. Learn more about Equal Pay Day 2021.


Virtual Events:

Ways to Recognize Equal Pay Day:

      • Wear red to symbolize how far women are “in the red” with their pay.
      • Complete a pay equity audit and correct your organization’s pay practices.
      • Share the free AAUW Salary Negotiation course with your employees.