DRC Member Spotlight: Helping Hands for Single Moms Dallas

Helping Hands for Single Moms assists a mother as she attains a college education, financial independence, and a positive family legacy. Development Director Chandra Matthews is proud and honored to be part of a nonprofit organization that serves single-mother families in the Dallas Region.

Chandra Matthews, Development Director

How does your company help other businesses become more effective?

Helping Hands for Single Moms partners with businesses that align with our vision to end generational poverty one single mom family at a time. Together we work to provide in-kind services to support our moms and families.

What differentiates your company from others in your industry?

Forty-five percent of single-mom families are living at or below federal poverty guidelines (Texas is at 42%) and a college education is the surest path to financial independence. We are unique because we are not addressing a need that is already being served by dozens of other nonprofits in the region. These women are already doing the hard work – we are a resource to help them accomplish their goals. Our hope is that the community will join us in assisting these very deserving women.

What do you enjoy most about doing business in the Dallas Region?

I grew up in Dallas and our city has a huge heart for community, positive and effective change, and is a resource to offer the best in all industries.

Why did you decide to become a DRC member?

The DRC is well connected to the community. I want to be part of the DRC to network and meet other businesses and organizations so we can support one another’s initiatives.

How has your business changed in the past five years?

We began in Phoenix and have a proven, award-winning program that has helped hundreds of single mom college students. Dallas is following this model and has a graduation rate of 80%, far exceeding the national average of only 8%.

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