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The DFW Region is home to more than 100 corporate headquarters and campuses, creating a community of business leaders dedicated to building the future workforce. Here we showcase a few leading initiatives where corporate leadership has driven improvements in workforce development and research.

Ahead in the Cloud

Cloud-computing-related jobs include software engineers, software architects and data engineers — all growing professions in the workforce — and both Dallas College and the state of Texas recognize the earning potential for graduates. Amazon and Google have joined local initiatives to upskill Texas workers and students to meet industry needs… read more >

On Bots and Boeing

Almost half of all existing jobs may be replaced by automation within the next 20 years, according to a study by researchers at Oxford University. How will humans interact with their bot counterparts? Which functions are best performed by artificial intelligence versus humans… read more >

Real Jobs. Reduced Tuition. Historic Impact.

When Paul Quinn College (PQC) President Michael Sorrell decided to convert the school’s football field into an urban farm, people thought he was crazy. The “WE over ME farm” has since set a national best-practice standard of taking institutional resources, listening to the needs of the community and supporting students — many of whom were suffering from food insecurity while enrolled… read more >

The Coalition on Y’all Street

As the largest investment services firms began landing in DFW, competition on the self-proclaimed “Y’all Street” in Westlake, Texas, was inevitable. Financial and investment companies have historically fought for the same clients, real estate and talent… read more >

Students Can Earn a Degree in Creating Flavors

What gives orange juice its sunny zing? Texas Woman’s University (TWU) flavor chemist Dr. Xiaofen Du explains it this way… read more >

With Help from Higher Ed, L3Harris is Sending Its Employees Back to School

A Q&A with TAMU – Commerce Dean and Professor of Management, Shanan Gwaltney Gibson, Ph.D… read more >

Collaboration Creates Virtual Ships, Remote Surgeries, ‘Aware’ Systems

Advances in computing power and data storage are two developments that have brought us to where we are today: carrying around smartphones more powerful than the on-board computer that sent Apollo 11 astronauts to the moon, with enough memory for 12,000 books.. read more >

Leading the U.S. in Hispanic Student Initiatives

Founded in 2018, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s University Partnerships initiative works to build a robust college-to-career pipeline between Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) and corporations… read more >

Tapping Capstone Program for Student Brainpower, Perspectives

Artificial Intelligence guru Dave Copps was stumped. The cornerstone of his new company, Hypergiant Sensory Sciences, was based on teaching computers to see things the way humans do… read more >

Providing A Talent Boost

With thousands of jobs moving to the DFW Region and being created each day, the hunt for top talent is ever-growing. Companies need good talent — and they need it fast… read more >

Higher Education with Heart

A closer look at how DFW institutions are serving the community… read more >

This information is part of the 2020 Higher Education Review Magazine, presented by Thomson Reuters.