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July 27, 2020

July 26, 2020 Staffing and equipment have improved, but a high base of infected patients and Saturday’s spike in new cases illustrate the continuing threat to hospitals. Here’s a positive development in the pandemic: Two of North Texas’ largest hospital systems, Medical City Healthcare and Texas Health Resources, are resuming elective surgeries after voluntarily suspending […]

July 24, 2020 The Small Business Administration, which oversees the Covid-19 relief program, announced the update Thursday in a document outlining procedures for the loan forgiveness process. Lenders can begin submitting applications for Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness Aug. 10, 2020 […]

July 22, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted labor markets across the U.S. due to increased unemployment and transition to work-from-home. To help navigate the labor market landscape, Site Selection Group analyzed 190 of the largest metro areas to identify the top 25 tech cities in the U.S. […]…

July 27, 2020 Toyota’s manufacturing and supply-chain operations use a groundbreaking approach that champions lean operations and abhors waste of any kind, whether it be materials, human resources, or innovative thinking. The Toyota Production System is studied and emulated across the globe […]…

July 26, 2020 Testing is expensive, but failing to test will be even more costly. We are at an important and pivotal moment in our fight against COVID-19 […]

July 25, 2020 Nearly 100 Texas mayors, from large and small cities, signed a letter sent to every member of Congress from Texas, asking for help from the federal government.

July 27, 2020 The Trump administration wants to exclude undocumented immigrants from the population counts used to determine seats in Congress, an idea that would cut into the strength of the Texas delegation to Washington, D.C. […]

July 26, 2020 More than 5,000 people in Texas have died from COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, according to state health data released Sunday […]

July 24, 2020

July 24, 2020 During a special called meeting Thursday, the board of trustees voted 8-0 to amend the upcoming 2020-21 school calendar, ostensibly shifting the start and end of school by three weeks […]…

July 24, 2020 Dallas Love Field and DFW International Airport have had any layoffs since mid-March. This comes at a time when American Airlines and Southwest Airlines have reported billions of dollars in lost revenue […]